Message to Donors:
Dohdal ‘s progression would never happen without your kindly support. We would be always grateful all your generous supports. Donation can donate particular project or whole programmes of Dohdal. There are different ways you can help us. (should we leave some message about donation policy).

In-Kind Donations
Dohdal is unable to accept the individual items such as clothes, shoes, toys etc. The cost of sending these items from overseas through Cambodia customs is more than purchasing cost in locally Phnom Penh.
We ‘d prefer to buy these items locally in Cambodia. In this way, we are contributing to improve local businesses which a part of Cambodian economy, increase local jobs and make country less dependent foreign exports.
Wish List:
We are always in need educational materials like text books, exercise books, pens, pencils, stickers coloring books, art materials, printing papers, coloring papers, toothbrushes, toothpastes, soaps. etc. Most of these donation items can be bought cheaply in local market. Please contact us for further suggestions.
Financial Support:
Dohdal also welcome to financial support from corporate philanthropies. Corporate donors are given for century in commemorative plague with your company, cooperation name . We also write you a formal appreciate letter if you wish to have.
Donation can be made directly to Dohdal bank account. Please let us know your contact information so that we can send you a receipt after receiving your donation.

Here is Dohdal Organisation Bank Account.
– J Trust Royal Bank, Phnom Penh , Cambodia.
– Swift Code: TCABKHPP

– Account Number: 2348398
– Address: 20, Kramuon Sar & Corner of street 67, Phnom Penh.