Contact Info
Sophanet Pheng (also known as Phanet) is from Toul Pongro Village where DOHDAL Organisation is based. He has a strong commitment to his village and the educational advancement of the children. He understands the necessity for poor rural children to get a well-rounded English education and the importance this education will be for the present and future development of Cambodia.
Phanet has been a volunteer contributor to DOHDAL Organisation for many years which gives him a very good insight into the needs of the school, children, teachers and the community in general. In December 2016 he became the Administrative Manager of DOHDAL Organisation.
Phanet’s employment history makes him an ideal candidate for the role as Administrative Manager for DOHDAL Organization. He has a very extensive administrative background, from his time working with the Ministry of Interior of Cambodia to his most recent position as the administrative manager for a very successful tour company (Mango Cambodia) based in Phnom Penh. He has a University Degree in Development Economic and is presently studying for a Masters Degree in International Business.
Phanet’s natural rapport with children and the staff along with his conscientious work ethic will certainly be an asset to DOHDAL Organisation.